Friday, April 9, 2010

Tom Sumner lecture

Last week's guest speaker left something to be desired. I found his lecture informative, and could see myself reading one or more of the novels in the series which featured political commentary in the form of compiled blogs. But when asked how he felt about the technological forces have affected publishing, I felt like Mr. Sumner dodged the question.

"Asking me how I feel about that is like asking me how I feel about air. It's there.."

I thought the question was well said. As I recall a student asked how Mr. Sumner felt about how new forms of technology have affected traditional publishing. The discussion was revolving around the Kindle, the blogosphere, and "home brew" publishing.

I feel like Mr. Sumner has a biased opinion on how new technology has a perverse and often baffling affect on traditional forms of publishing.

Perhaps he could elaborate further on the topic via the class blog.

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